
Showing posts from October, 2020


EVEN BETTER TOMORROW MUST TURN INTO “PRESENT” TO PROVE ITSELF BETTER There were two saints living in an Ashram, situated at a very aloof place. The saints had the privilege of getting teaching and life lessons from a respected Guru. As to gain knowledge about Nature as a part of their learning process, the two went to a forest and stayed there for few days. On their way back to Ashram, there was a bridge over a river which they had to cross. As they embarked near bridge, they saw one little girl of about 10-12 years trying hard to start her journey on bridge. One of the saints felt her fear and went straight to her. He carried the little girl on his shoulder and initiated his bridge-walk. The journey almost took 20 mins and then, the two saints and little girl reached the other side of the river safely. The little girl was relaxed feeling herself safe and thanked the saint. The saint smiled at her and acknowledged her gratitude. The two saints continued their journey and were already h

Dad's Criticism !

  THE MOUTH OF CRITICISM SHOULD EQUALLY WEIGH AS THE CRITICISM ITSELF A respected family in a village were earning their living by making artistic ceramic flowerpots since decades. It was fourth generation of this family who was contributing to his ancestor’s legacy. The father-son duo was showing their best piece of fine arts with their work. The son could translate his father’s teaching at next level, and he was surpassing his dad’s work in terms of quality and delicacy that this art demands. The father used to get extremely happy with what his son could do but planned and managed to keep himself calm and under control. The duo shaped ample varieties of flowerpots that could attract people from various villages and towns. They were in the pink of their business. Days passed by in glory and the son was getting much sell of his pots than his father. Whenever he made something unique, he used to show his work to his father. His father used to point at least one mistake in his make every