He still exists...

If pictures are worth of 1000 words, than sometimes a conversation of two minutes with unknown is worthy of having a permanent place in our heart and mind all our life. I often try to connect my content with a story, not only because it becomes more impactful but because it stays with us, reminds us and corrects us in crucial times.

Mr. Mehra was a successful businessman of his state. His life consisted of his wife, his only son, a beautiful and luxurious bungalow with a swimming pool, his personal office and all other amenities that one can desire for.

Given above credentials, it is obvious that he was living a hectic life. One such day, he came from office at 11PM. He was too tired to get his dine. He went straight to his room, turned on AC and thought of having a sound sleep for next 6 to 7 hours. He kept changing his position on bed but he could not sleep. It was 2AM in the clock but he was still awake. He then started roaming in his house, in his garden but everything went in vain. As a last straw, he took his car key from key-stand and assumed that long-drive would make a difference.

On his way, he decided to rest his car near a very famous temple located in his area in quench of some peace. He parked his car and as he climbing the stairs of the temple, he saw an old man in a begging posture towards God. He kept his hand over old man’s shoulder and gently asked, “Brother, are you okay? What happened? Can I be of any help?”. With tears in eyes, with shivering voice and his body in complete panic, the old man replied, “My wife is in hospital and I desperately need some money.”.

We have a tendency of believing that rich people are only money makers. They do not care for anyone else except their owns and their money. Exceptions are always there in every statistic we believe, in every equation we calculate and every judgement/opinions we publish for others.

Mr. Mehra quickly took some money and his visiting card out from his pocket and gave to old man with his next words (which meant more than money for this old man) as, “Take this money and my card as well. If you get in need of more money, do not hesitate to call me at this number or come directly at my office. I will be happy to help you”. The old man still had tears in his eyes, but this time with the realization that God exists for every being in one or the other form.

The Old man took the money and gave visiting card back to him. Mr. Mehra insisted, “Please keep this. How will you contact me without my address if you need more money?”. The Old man, with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes, replied, “I do not need your address Sir, I have address of him who sent you here today at 2AM. I am sure, he will send you again if I need you 😊”.

A man, who has been living a busy life, had no time for family members, had to meet this old man at 2AM on this day at this temple. We would call this a coincident if we would have been in place of Mr. Mehra or that old man.

The fact is, God is all around us and taking care of us without our knowledge. He is making situations and people easy for us all the time. We always drive ourselves crazy in trying to understand why things happened this way or the other. Our peace is much more important than the root-cause of everything. If it is not in your control, let it happen. It must be a part of his (God) process in getting you the best you deserve.

Trust his existence, love his plans and believe in his timings.
He will carve our life with better meaning than how we can craft for ourselves 😊


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