
Showing posts from August, 2020


WE OFTEN MISS TO KEEP CHECK ON THINGS THAT MONEY CANNOT BUY ANECDOTE 1 A father with his 10 years old son, were travelling in train back to their village. Their co-passenger consisted of one young man, amongst many others. The journey had just started. Sometime later, this 10-year-old boy asked his father with great amazement, “Papa, what are these objects which are moving opposite to us? What are those people doing in fields?” and many more. With a big smile on his face, his father was answering his boy’s every obvious question with delight and satisfaction. Soon after this father-son interaction went a mile, the young man lost his temper. He was frustrated with this conversation. He busted his anger and said to father, “Is your son mentally ill? Is he so dumb to not recognize trees, farmers and other things? Please take him to doctor but do not disturb me. I am really getting irritated with your silly talks.” The father gently smiled and replied, “Gentleman, my s

Virtue and Virtual

A story on WHAT WE SEE and WHAT SHOULD BE SEEN... Once a Guru and his disciple decided to route themselves to all pilgrimage places nearby their city. The Guru was very knowledgeable and foresighted. For all the people who followed him, whatever this Guru wishes was bound to happen in a way or the other. On their way, they walked through a small village where handful of people were residing. They welcomed the Guru and his disciple, made comfortable arrangements for them to rest for a night and privileged them with their care and time. With commencement of very next day, the two had to leave this village to continue their journey. All the people greeted them with the hope to bless them again with their presence. The Guru thanked the villagers with tears. While leaving the village, the Guru said to his disciple, “I wish all the people of this village gets scattered. I will pray that they start living at different places”. The disciple could not digest this statement. Ins