

A father with his 10 years old son, were travelling in train back to their village. Their co-passenger consisted of one young man, amongst many others. The journey had just started. Sometime later, this 10-year-old boy asked his father with great amazement, “Papa, what are these objects which are moving opposite to us? What are those people doing in fields?” and many more. With a big smile on his face, his father was answering his boy’s every obvious question with delight and satisfaction.

Soon after this father-son interaction went a mile, the young man lost his temper. He was frustrated with this conversation. He busted his anger and said to father, “Is your son mentally ill? Is he so dumb to not recognize trees, farmers and other things? Please take him to doctor but do not disturb me. I am really getting irritated with your silly talks.”

The father gently smiled and replied, “Gentleman, my son was blind by birth. By grace of God, one kind-hearted man wished to donate his eye after his death and my son got his eyes. He is watching this world for the very first time in his life. I am really sorry if his questions annoyed you.”

The young man was completely shattered. He was devastated for his grievance and behavior. He could not answer in words, but his tears of guilt said everything.

Sometimes, we do not understand that the things we get “Just like that”, means world for others because they had to earn it. To be patient to earn something, is never ever easy.

City bus #72 was on its way. There was a sweet girl sitting with her mother on left side seat. One middle-aged man, with a bunch of fresh red roses, was sitting exactly opposite to this girl.

Majority of people get attracted to beauty, which may fade with time. What stays in our memory is charm. We do not easily forget people and things which are held by their charm. The reason is charm equates to an inherent character of people/thing and never to its interim virtue.

This sweet girl constantly had her eye on those fresh red roses. She could not take off her attention away from those roses. The man was observing her reaction and her liking for those flowers. The man went to this girl, sat on his knees and offered those roses to this girl. She was so happy to receive those but, she said, “Uncle, you must have bought these roses for somebody, I cannot accept this”.

The man smiled and said, “I bought these for my wife but if I will tell her that I gave it to you, she will be more than happy”. The conversation and the journey terminated at a destination. The man stepped out from bus and entered a graveyard. The girl understood what these roses meant for that man.

We have started developing a habit of judging people, instances, etc. because thinking is very difficult. Both these incidents teach us that people can go beyond a threshold limit of giving something to you which is dear to you but dearest to them. When we receive little care, time, patience, help and even some tangible things which brings spark in our eyes, we should understand that it means much more to them. Not because they have it, but because they have the courage to give.

Life and relations are more about understanding than just companionship. When we start realizing what it must have taken for somebody else to do that for us, we initiate a process of planting a seed of understanding. Eventually, we will easily understand why an act is done or not done by him/her. This resonance can only be felt, lived, cherished and can never be expressed. It is not an interim feeling anymore, it is “Foreverness” then after. 

It is hard to get understood, it is harder to understand!


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