Let's keep it Simple



I was in search of an incident or a tale which can become an apt for my message via this article. More than the moral which this story speaks, the approach shown here is really encouraging.

It was a time in Indian history before many decades when this incident took place. Our country was being ruled by a strong emperor, whose kingdom consisted of intelligent ministers. One day, a Lapidary (an artist who identifies and makes real/man-made stones, gemstones into decorative items and designs like engraved gems) arrived in his kingdom. The king wholeheartedly welcomed this guest and offered him stay for a day or two. He explained his whereabouts, his art, his knowledge of stones, his work, everything to king. The king decided to pilot his intelligent ministers for their knowledge.

Next day, King called his ministers and every single person of his kingdom for this assessment. He asked this lapidary to take this test forward. The lapidary explained all ministers that they will be given two different stones in both their hands for 2 minutes. They will have to identify and confirm one as real stone and another as artificial.

It was testing time now when each minister took 2 minutes to see, touch, sense and identify both these stones. As expected by King, everyone failed. He was ashamed and annoyed on his intelligent ministers. When he was about to ask this lapidary to explain people on the difference between these stones, he was interrupted by a middle-aged man present in his Durbar, residing in his territory.  The man politely asked, “Lord, can I get one chance to identify these stones?” The astonished king answered positively and asked him to come in center of Durbar. The man replied in a waver voice, “Lord, I am blind by birth. I request your guard to take me to a place in this Durbar where there is a sunshine.” Outraged by this statement, the king decided not to add questions now and let this man do what he wants. The guard took this man near a window where there was enough shine. As instructed by this man, the guard placed two stones in his hands. This man, after analyzing for 2 minutes announced that the stone in his left hand is real and the right one is artificial.

Along with the King and the Lapidary, everyone in the Durbar were happily surprised and full of obvious questions for this man. The lapidary confirmed that his answer was correct and asked him to justify. The man smiled and replied, “I opened my hands and exposed both these stones to sunshine. The real diamond never heats up in presence of shine. The artificial stone is made up of glass which captured heat in shine”. He concluded this with a very basic, simple, and natural property of gems.

We all understand the message which this story tells. What outplays this message is the way this man approached his findings. We all try to glamorize our way of doing things, our success with a caption and our journey as troublesome. It is not necessary to tag our achievement, our milestones with a sympathetic or an unwanted incident that took place to bring us to this place. It is okay to not have had a bad experience in life to reach at your destination. It can simply be just you, your skills, and your willingness to aspire and attain what you desire.

To name a few, Virat Kohli went to play his match immediately from the cremation place of his father. We all understand that this is one of the most unfortunate things that can ever happen to an individual. However, he has never tried to achieve his rank and respect with support of this incident. He is a sheer master of batting skills which made him No.1 batsman in the world. Mr. Amitabh Bachchan’s charm is still mesmerizing not because he once played a terrific role in Zanjeer. He absolutely did, but he cannot carry it all the time to justify his fame. He is still the same Big B for people because he works tirelessly at the age of 78 with same energy and commitment. I hardly see any contestant in shows these days who does not have a story attached with them. Why can’t it be just our wish to earn money to prepare for KBC hotseat? Why can’t it be just our love for singing/dancing to be a part of reality shows?

Our intent should not be to beautify our action by always flagging an event. Sometimes, people take undue advantage of sympathy and climb many undeservedly steps.

If you and your skills are real, a lapidary will come and identify you sooner or later 😊


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