Virtue and Virtual


Once a Guru and his disciple decided to route themselves to all pilgrimage places nearby their city. The Guru was very knowledgeable and foresighted. For all the people who followed him, whatever this Guru wishes was bound to happen in a way or the other.

On their way, they walked through a small village where handful of people were residing. They welcomed the Guru and his disciple, made comfortable arrangements for them to rest for a night and privileged them with their care and time. With commencement of very next day, the two had to leave this village to continue their journey. All the people greeted them with the hope to bless them again with their presence. The Guru thanked the villagers with tears. While leaving the village, the Guru said to his disciple, “I wish all the people of this village gets scattered. I will pray that they start living at different places”.

The disciple could not digest this statement. Instead of feeling obliged for the hospitality of the villagers, the Guru indirectly wished their separation from their own village. Though, he thought not to question his master.

One good thing about future is, it always brings answers of our past. Similar thing happened with this disciple when they entered another village to ease off their journey. The moment they stepped into the village; people started throwing stones at them. Their words were worse than their act. Those people did not want others to join them and everyone was bad for them even without knowing. They were reckless to all the people outside their circle. The Guru and his disciple went straight out of the village. They were injured physically and emotionally too.

The duo, then reached at a riverbank and sat for a while thinking about what had just happened. The Guru said to his disciple, “I wish these people to stay where they are and together all their life. I really do not want them to get displaced anywhere in this world”.

This was the answer to disciple’s astonishment when his Guru wished those humble people to spread out. The disciple could see both the incidents but could not visualize. The Guru could visualize that we need good people in this world and hence he prayed for those humble people to disperse their positivity, their solicitude to treat others well and doing whatever we can for others. It is rare to see such acceptance for people we do not know at first.

We often lack this vision which can see intangible values hidden in an individual beyond all virtual assets, which are momentary and volatile. The world has enough people who can understand things beyond words. We do not need loquacious people by voice or by thoughts. The genuine people can spread their fragrance just by their presence and being the way, they are. Truly great people do not feel important, they make others feel special. They understand that it is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.

No one in this world is complete or perfect, not even the people we consider good or ours. The chase must be on the virtue side, not virtual. Being good by heart is more satisfying than being best by mind!!!


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