COVID-19 - An eye opener Pandemic

We have been reading and listening this word since couple of months more than anything else (including Hey, okay, thanks and bye).
We all know what it means. We are aware of its impact as well as implications. Discussing about it is now a part of our daily routine.

Let us try to have a variation in our understanding for this apart from how many countries are affected by it, number of deaths, number of people who won against it and other statistical data.

As per reliable sources, this is the first time in the human history that humanity is at its peak. Do not commit a mistake of taking this positively because it is actually a sarcasm. People have been waiting to kill its likewise from other countries since last few decades. Hatred has been into people’s DNA without knowing what for and for whom? Belonging to different origin is a crime these days.

More than how many lives this disease has already touched or is yet to affect, its symptoms are speaking volumes about what actually it is. With mild fever, cough and cold, sore throat, etc. which are very much common these days, we are silently getting trapped into this deadly disease. This itself proves that nature has been patient with us for quite a while now, but it seems that we have exceeded the threshold limit.

The pace at which this is spreading, eating hundreds of people every day, affecting thousands of lives across globe is a sign that how inhuman a microbe can be to all humans. If we use/develop our intellectual to just understand below questions (not even seeking to get the answer), we can better understand where we are heading towards and what should be corrected.

  • What is it that is affecting only humans and no other specie?
  • What is it that has paused entire human ecosystem and has no root-cause and remedy yet?
  • What is it that has beaten world economy so badly that even the super powers are worried on how to at least stabilize it?
  • What is it that has stopped trading between countries, states and even cities?
  • What is that which is yet to even explore/understand by medical science?
  • What is that which has put all of us behind secure and safe bars (at home) for indefinite time?
  • What is that which has made our country sleep?
  • What is it which is still uncontrollable even after 2 to 3 months of its discovery?

If we deep dive into this, the understanding lies within all of us. We are haphazardly using the Nature and its gifts. We are practicing wrong habits and cultivating non-friendly environment routines in our daily life.

There was no way to slow down climate change, there was no attempt to reduce various kinds of pollution, there were no sign of how are we going to preserve rest of the species except self-centered humans, there was absolutely no plan on how to fulfill next generations environment need if we continue to consume at same rate, there was zero understanding for utilizing renewable resources which Nature is and will always pour abundantly and stop using non-renewable resources.

Mother Earth was quiet and not blind. She made a plan to let u sleep one day in this world and woke up into another. Nature is at driving seat and steering us through tough times. What was once taken for granted with no value, is now rare and not a cup of money.

People have started looking into positives of this disease like healing of ozone layer, air pollution control to name a few. It is indeed a matter of shame that Nature had to rectify our commits. Let us confess that we are being punished for our deeds done towards Nature. If this is untrue, how can we not fight against a tiny virus when on the other hand, we can have researches and treatment in place to give life artificially?

Analyze this situation and act accordingly.

Every birth reminds us that God loves this world and every death reminds us that God still rules the world.

Love and be loved by God 😊


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