Mythology is a very interesting and meaningful subject, be it a story of Lord Krishna or Lord Rama. Though I have very shallow knowledge of it, I believe that Lord Rama is more respected but Lord Krishna enjoys staunch favoritism. Sole reason of this, is his multi-dimensional character. He knew when and where to use truth, justice and politics.

If we glance at his life, it is self-explanatory to an extent. His existence as Human Avatar is with a purpose which we all know. I often ask questions of Lord Krishna’s life incidents to my mother (as she is the most knowledgeable in the family when it comes to mythology). The biggest question I have about his life is his birth. Why did he take birth as 8th child of Devaki and Vasudeva instead of coming foremost? He could have taken birth as 1st child of Devaki and Vasudeva and protect mankind from the cruelty of Kansa quite early. After all the conversations and arguments, my mother ends up saying, those people had to face their destiny and so as Lord Krishna as Human. I am still not fully convinced with this answer, not because I have the right to question him, but because we are constantly unaware of his plans, his beliefs, his actions and will always be.

I assume, that this “uninformed” state is called destiny. What is meant to happen for you and with you, will come along your way at its time, no matter how good or bad it is. If this is the case, what is the need and importance of Karma? Why should we abide ourselves to perform good deeds to others and entire world if our future is our sheer destiny?

I learnt over a course of time that in any circumstances, destiny welcomes us at its doorstep with two plates. Plate A and Plate B, both filled and topped with your respective future. You will have to face consequences of your choice, may it be plate A or plate B. Choosing any of the plate does not provide you luxury of desired and favorable tomorrow.

Destiny is unknown while KARMA is definitely known. Our KARMA picks one of the plate. If we consciously (with all the understanding, knowledge and lessons learned) and generously choose between plate A and plate B, we are making ourselves very clear to God on how we are. God then unwraps the future for us.

I remember a short story which is apt to explain this.
A king had three sons. He was getting older and was worried about the kingdom successor. As time passed by, all three sons got matured and eligible to rule the kingdom. The king was in real dilemma as to who should he crown as his successor.

Once day, he called all his three sons and expressed his wish to go on a pilgrimage place. Before he departed for this holy travel, he gave 100 coins each to his sons. He explained them that he would like to see their mansions filled with anything from these 100 coins.

The eldest one thought to double the money and went to a gambling house. He lost all 100 coins there.
The middle one thought to buy antiques from these coins to impress his father.
The youngest son went to a market to buy oil, cotton, etc. He then went to a plant nursery and bought some shrubs. He decorated every corner of his mansion with light and flower.

After a month, the King arrived and went to eldest son’s mansion. The son expressed his grief about his loss and the King was disheartened.
As soon as he reached middle son’s mansion, he could see his house engrossed with lots of antiques, though being purposeless.
As he was approaching his youngest son’s house, he could feel the fragrance of flowers. The mansion was illuminating beautifully. On being asked by the King, his youngest son modestly explained that he tried deducing the best he could with these 100 coins. If he would spread fragrance and lit each candle, the destiny will bestow him the same.

Moral is: All three princes were destined to be son of this great King. It was their KARMA who did justice to an individual and the kingdom.

We cannot change our destiny but we can suppress or enhance its consequence by our KARMA.


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