A prosperous king was living happily with his family and countrymen in a small district comprising of handful of villages. He did not earn his ‘King crown’ by being a successor of his ancestors who ruled the kingdom. He had earned his crown by his perseverance to serve his motherland, so he and his people were prosperous and not just successful.

The king’s only son was very fond of mountains and loved climbing, tracking, and associated adventurous activities. He requested his father to send him to learn this art from one of the very renowned Guru in another district. The king had no objection in letting him do these activities but not from the Guru his son wanted to be a disciple of. He explained his son to visit another Guru in different district and learn from him. At first, the son refused to follow his father’s advice. The relation between father-child was the same as it is today. We do not first understand the reason behind our parents YES or NO, but time, experiences and self-realization give us enough dozes to make us understand to what extent they were right or at least why we were wrong. There is a very famous quote for this, “Grow up, but not in front of someone who has grown you.”

The king gave assurance to his son, “Just go there for 2 days, if you do not find the place worthy, you can come back and go wherever you want to”. These words melted his son and he agreed to visit that Guru’s place which his father recommended. The very next day, the son reached the Guru’s place. It was a place full of greenery and it felt surreal to him as soon as he entered. He was in a completely different world, devoid of chaos, people, synthetic things, and fabricated aroma. He was in nature’s lap, erupting peace and serenity all around. He introduced himself to the Guru and sought his blessings. After he was settled few minutes later, he was astonished to see one tall tree he had ever seen before. Being a freak in climbing, he was desperate to climb this tree and his intention was clearly visible in his eyes. The Guru realized this forthwith and asked him to climb the tree.

The son ran towards the tree and started climbing with much energy and excitement. He must have reached 90% of peak point in blink of an eye. The table turned and he was not left with sufficient energy to complete remaining 10% of his journey. He was expecting his Guru to morally support with few aspirational words, but no success. With every step, it was getting difficult and tough for him to pursue his journey towards peak. He somehow managed himself and gained courage to reach at the peak. During his hard time when he had no support from his Guru, he was sure of not continuing his learning from him as he felt that if his Guru cannot help him in crucial phase when he needed him the most, then it is in vain to stay with him. When he was about to commence his journey from peak to ground, he heard his Guru asking him to come slowing. His words had no effect on this boy now as his expectation was ruined.

He started his journey to ground and with every step he took, his Guru would guide him by saying, “Put your right leg first, take your left-hand opposite side” and so on. When he kept his feet on ground, he realized what magic his Guru did. He was dumbstruck to realize something he had never felt before.

He ran straight to his Guru and confessed his mistake, “I am sorry for de-valuing your guidance and care. When I started climbing, my intense desire and willingness were enough to place me at the peak. I was enough for myself. But, when I started my journey back to ground, I realized that I do not have any control on my legs and that’s where your words rescued me from falling”. The Guru wiped his tears and just said, “God Bless You, my son”.

We usually mis-judge the timing and weightage of few relations in our life. We expect them to be there in tough times, holding our hands with warmth and positive vibes. That is not the only time when we need them. We need them when we can get easily trapped by failure or disappointments. We need them to make sure, we have one leg on ground when we touch the sky with the other. At times, we feel settled in life when we no longer quench for presence of some people who used to be our lifeline. We feel ourselves self-reliant and sufficient. That is the prime time when we need those people to have check on us that we do not overachieve money and materialistic pleasures. Those people help us to stay humble and aware that this is all temporary and time-based. What stays with us is our meekness.  

Our constant remainder to our conscious that those people equally contribute to our smile and satisfaction is the key to retain and value the gifts that time and God has bestowed upon us. We may feel otherwise but life will not remain same without them. The essence is to understand who comes to our light when we close our eyes, in need.

We should feel blessed to get few people not when we want them, but when we need them 😊


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